Leadership TRAINING at His Life is on!
Our BEST of the BEST Curriculum for Year 2 and Year 3.
Year 1
- is to produce LIFE Group Leaders.
Year 2
- is to produce people FOUNDED in the Word with the Character of Christ.
Year 3
- is to produce CHURCH PLANTERS and CAMPUS PASTORS here and abroad.
Sampler of the COURSES Offered:
Evangelism 2
Church Planting and Missions
Discipleship 2
Mentoring Ministries
NT Survey 2
Thessalonians through Revelation
Official Bible: NIV Student Bible
Apologetics 1
Non-Christian Religions & Cults
(Comparative Religions)
Leadership 2
Developing The Leaders Around You
Counseling 2
One on One Counseling Problems
Recovery Program
OT Survey 2
From Job through Malachi
Official Bible: NIV Student Bible
Hermeneutics 1
Bible Interpretation (TEE)
Homiletics 1
Sermon Building and Preaching Clinic
The Vision of 12
Foundations for Quality Disciple Making
Church History Overview
Early Church to Present
Pastoral Theology
Solemnizing Meetings
World Missions Course
3 Volumes on World Missions
Apologetics 2
Neo-Christian Aberrations
Homiletics 2
Advance Preaching Clinic
Hermeneutics 2
In Depth Bible Interpretation Skills
and Practices
Leadership 3
Developing Leaders Around You
Conducting Training Seminars
Emphasis on Building Others
Roman Catholicism
An In-depth Study of Roman Catholicism
and the Bible
Church Planting
Shepherding a Movement
Spiritual Character Formation
Intimacy and the Presence of God
Disciplines Finances and Relevant Ministries
MANY DVD COURSES offered too.
How To Teach How To Pastor
City Shepherds The Vision of 12 in His Life Ministries
Leading: The 21 Laws of Leadership
Leadership Lifter Tapes and Teachings
and many many more!
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